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green'n lean

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BC Mountain Homes- Architectural Designer
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Small Works Studios/Laneway Housing
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Build Green Live Green Be Green

New Used or Salvage

Sourcing used or surplus building materials is a great way to stretch your building or renovation budget. Salvaging materials prior to demolition is another way to save money and limit the environmental impact of your building or renovation project.

We have provided some resources below:

Jack's New and Used
(604) 299-2967
4912 Still Creek Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5C-4E4

ReStore - Habitats for Humanity
Unites States

If you have a great spot where you like to buy used or surplus building materials and you would like to share, we'll post it here. contact us

The Rock Doctor

The Rock Doctor

 (604) 312-7643
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Ratings & Reviews:

On Budget:
On Time:

While Daron might over promise on the time lines trying to please too many people, he is an incredibly hard worker and his quality of work is amazing. A bit of a perfectionist I would say. If you want a half-assed job he is not your guy. If you want great work and can be a little flexible in your timing I suggest you call him.
-mellers, North Vancouver | added: Jul 26, 2009

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Services: Stone Mason  • Concrete Fabrication & Design

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